As I get older I can't seem to understand why time goes by so fast or at least it seems to. I remember when I was a child the school year seemed to go on forever but once it got to be summer that seemed like a long time too! Funny thing what age does to you! Once again it is Spring or at least it is suppose to be! The temperatures are still dipping into the 30's at night and we barely have gotten into the high 50's during the day. We have been blessed with a few scattered sunny warm days here and there, just enough to give a person the gardening bug! So last Sunday on one of those rare days I began to prepare the garden beds for planting. Darcie has been itching to get things planted and coming from the warmer climate of the South is having trouble waiting this cold spell out! So we started, in between baby Aiden cat napping she came out to help me. She planted some lettuce in perfect little rows as Jeff commented on, some radishes, beets, carrots and I am not sure what else. We moved all of their St. Louis herb pots out to the garden area and arranged them in a neat order. We still need a couple more garden beds and some more dirt but we are getting ready....So come on Sun and Warm Weather we are tired of waiting!
I have been composting shavings and chicken manure all Winter long so I moved some out of one bed to fill up another and till it all up.

Prepared bed and ready for planting!

Perfect little lettuce rows!

Garden area...still more work to be done!

The girls benefited from the nice day too....they got a clean house and freshly cut weeds to scratch through....

They also did a lot of sun bathing!

So as you can see we are let the gardening season of 2011 begin!