As I sit at my computer I realize that it is January 31, 2012. I have not blogged since June of 2011. Blogging was something I enjoyed but the busyness of every day life and the easy life of Facebook steered me away!
I did not make any New Year Resolutions because like most they usually go by the wayside after a month or two! I did however make a deal with myself to try and stay on a budget which I can happily say I have managed to do so for the month of January! Just eleven months to go!
I have been inspired by someone I don't know directly but was introduced to her blog by her son who is one of the greatest kids I know. So before January 2012 is officially in the books as past I am going to renew my blog. I am not going to promise how often I will get this done but I am going to do my best and that is all we can ask ourselves is try and do our best.
So, I thought I would start out the new year with a new beginning with the Christmas Photo of my family. It is our new beginning and a beautiful one at that!
Happy January 2012 to all my family and friends.....see you in February!