I love my bubbling pot water feature. It sits near the front door right below the guest bedroom window. Funny thing guests don't seem to enjoy it as much as I do. I heard something about when you have the window open it keeps you awake. Now I find bubbling water to be quite soothing. So, I am not sure what they are complaining about. It hasn't seem to be bubbling quite as strong as it should so the boys decided to investigate. Now I get a little nervous when they decide they are going to fix something! What they discovered is that the seal around the pipe had rotted away. Their plan was to clean it and reseal......wrong goop! So Jason is going back to Home Depot today to get the right stuff. If all goes well the bubbling pot will be back up and bubbling today!
Cleaning of the pot....don't they look like they are having fun!
This was uncalled for....I just made one little comment!
I will post the finished project...as soon as it is done!
Oh, the joys of home ownership! I haven't added a water feature, but keep thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteWater features are great and the birds love them!
ReplyDeleteI HATE THAT DAMN BUBBLING POT!!!!! I hope it is still broken when we get there!!!
ReplyDeleteOh don't you worry it will be in good working order when you get here.....you can count on it:) Or better yet I will put you in the room on the other side and you can listen to the waterfall! Even better!
ReplyDeleteRemember, I will have an empty house with lots of spare rooms and no water features except a hot tub while you are here. I'm sure your house sitter brother will let you stay with him!
ReplyDeleteDon't encourage her Basket Gal I want her to have to listen to my water features. She has come over to the side of gardening, organization and money saving now I have to get her to water features. I am thinking she is against them from all the swimming she did as a kid! :)
ReplyDeleteHa! Isn't it weird that our girls are turning into us? I'm sure water features are in her future!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. J-Bean is feeding the birds now, too!
ReplyDeleteWe have the girls pretty well under control now it is time to work on the boys! Jason fixed the bubbling pot today! Yay!
ReplyDeleteNick has been building garage cabinets, finishing the fence posts, doing his laundry and cleaning up after himself. I hardly recognize his new behavior!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. He also helped make dinner the other night by doing the barbequing.
ReplyDeleteWow! It's great now that they are all grown up. Jason fixed the bubbling pot and cleaned up behind old refrigerator before they put the new one in!