Jeff asks me all the time..."How many shoes do you need?" Now this is coming from a man who has worn the same shoe for the last 10 years! He has two kinds, lace up and slip on.....the lace up are the same shoe but in two different colors and same with the slip on. Talk about someone who doesn't like change. I don't know what he will do if they stop making that style. He doesn't even go shopping for shoes I just go to the store pick up the same ole shoe in the same ole size. How boring is that? Me.....I like change, well at least when it comes to shoes. I love shoes! I could buy a new pair of shoes every week if I could and I would find time to wear them all.
Jeff's shoes.

My I have to admit I have not taken some of my Fall shoes and boots out of the boxes yet.....but some of the sandals will go back in their boxes until next year! And I think there is plenty of room on the floor for more! :)

Sizzle feels the same way about bones as I do about shoes. She has many and can never really decide which one she should chew she just keeps them all out where she can see them. Now at the end of a day the family room, the stairs, the office and everywhere she goes is littered with bones! I Have not been successful in teaching her to put them away yet! Still working on that one.
Not quite as neat as my shoe line but it works for her!

A stray one!

Bringing that one back to the pile!

Decisions...Decisions....which bone to chew on first!

But at the end of the day.....whether it be shoes, bones or just being together we all seem very happy!