Corn! I am not sure how it is going to turn out. Jeff picked a small one the other day for the girls and they wouldn't even eat it! Now they do like theirs cooked with a little butter and salt on it! What was he thinking!
Finally some red tomatoes! Funny shaped but red!
I think these are called Sugar Pumpkins....I got the starts from Basket Gal so I will have to ask her what to do with them?
There are other things out there like Zucchini, lemon cucumbers,carrots and maybe some potatoes (not likely) I have rhubarb to pick also. This weekend's chore list is getting longer and longer!
The big ones are sugar pumpkins. Bake them in the oven and make pies or pumpkin bread out of the cooked pumpkin. So much better than what you get in a can. Aren't the little ones cute...I just decorate with them!