I hope everyone had A Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a Very Happy New Year! I know at least I am! To say the last few months of 2010 have been eventful would be a huge understatement! I should have been blogging all the way along because if I tried to make up the time now I would be here for at least a month! So....I will just tell you that we are all well and very busy! Enjoy a few pictures from Christmas!
The saga of the Christmas Tree begins!

We named this Christmas Tree the tree from hell....2010 never to be forgotten and the stories oh the stories! From a trunk too big for any tree stand made in the USA, to not being decorated for a very long time, to the lights then not staying on....I have to say come Christmas morning it was a very beautiful tree!

Every year we always try and take the dogs pictures in front of the tree....but since now we have 9 in the family it seemed like a very daunting task! So we attempeted to take Kirby (being th oldest and Amelia's last living puppy) I should mention Kirby hates to have his picute taken, must be from all the years of show photos!
Darcie just trying to get the bow on!

Trying to get him to Sit/Stay

Sizzle not seeing what the big deal is all about to pose in front of the tree! See Kirby this is how it is done!

50 takes later and still not a good picture....Sizzle has given up!

Finally Success!

And Sizzle one take and she is off to her next camera shoot!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Glad you are back blogging! Sizzle is so cute:) This tree will never be forgotten! It was great to get together with all of you and laugh:)
ReplyDeleteShe is quite the character!