Friday, July 2, 2010

Maria Day 2

Well, we had a fairly good night. I was so tired by the time my head hit the pillow I was asleep. I sprayed Maria's wound with bitter apple before we went upstairs. I think she made it through the night without licking. But caught her licking it this morning. It is going to be a very long day at O&H again as it looks like she will be going with me!I have a bad feeling about the healing process.....I will keep you updated but until then I think Maria is going to have to be under strict supervision. I think she is beginning to like the taste of bitter apple :(


  1. I'm sending good thoughts your way and I hope Maria doesn't chew on her stitches.

  2. She really wants to lick it she is now wearing a head.

  3. This is why I dont own whippets!! Emma has thin enough skin!

  4. We wore our cone all night long and only woke me up twice scraping it on the wall. I think there will be more surgery in our near future. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we won't but I am not very optimistic.
